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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


At least 4 times a week, I have been in a fairly impressive habit of preparing a healthy, well-balanced meal for my family.  If you know me, I usually go for the easiest and most efficient way to do just about everything in my life.  Preparing a hot meal in this itty-bitty rent house kitchen is no easy task....AND.............. {wait for it}...........I have NO dishwasher.  ((((gasp!  The horror)))) 

My kids are not equally impressed with my efforts, and I usually get at least one who refuses to eat, one who is boudeting (Cajun term pronounced boo-day-ing [pouting] which I don't know how to spell), and Abby who eats it all and asks for seconds (only while I'm also sitting and eating).

This post, however, is to say so long to those days of preparing dinner, slaving over a hot stove, spending 30 minutes more in the kitchen, and listening to the complaints of what my audience would prefer to be eating..............Hey, somehow, this blog which was meant to only bid a fond farewell to the healthy dinners has turned into something not so bad.

Anyway...BaSeBalL SeAsOn is here!!  My favorite time of the year!!!  Along with the beautiful spring weather, watching my kids play ball, and long, wonderful afternoons, comes baseball practice.  With 2 kids playing, this means a couple of hours minimum each day at the park.   Since, we are also building a house, I have other responsibilities to tend to after I can leave from that other thing I call a full-time job.  My life this week has been one priority to the next all day long from 5:30 am-10 pm.  Yesterday they ate Macaroni and Cheese and seedless watermelon.  Tonight, Spaghettios with Meatballs.  Tomorrow, I host a technology class after school until 5, then race to two practices at 5:30 and 6:30 at two different ball parks.   They'll probably be thrilled to receive dinner in a bag with a cheap toy.

Goodbye to the life of yesterday.  Goodbye healthy meals.  Goodbye whining kids at the dinner table. Goodbye evenings at home.  Goodbye patient, calm me.  Enter SpRinG!!!!  Thank God the days are longer.  They HAVE to be.


I am currently taking any and all suggestions to managing this busy scene that has become my life, especially if it helps me to feed my children something that will not permanently stunt their growth.

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